We are very proud of our members and their diversified interests.  The club membership is made up of breeders, owners, and obedience enthusiats.  We also have members that have interests in other breeds.  Wait a minute, ARE there other breeds out there?  Hmm, there must be.  Club members  enjoy serveral titles in conformation as well as obedience on many of their akitas.  Feel free to browse the sites listed below and enjoy the beautiful Akitas.

(Click on photo to see enlarged version)

Donna & Mike Bennett
Liberty Akitas - Website

Lisa Coffey
LiRic Akitas

Stephanie Cottrell
OshoZen Akitas - Website

Robert Cline
Lisa Coffey
LiRic Akitas - Website

Donna & Alan Copeland Yurk

Lawrence & Angie Collins

Jennifer Dellos
Crossway Akitas

Russell and Jill Drennan
Asa Taiyo Akitas - Website

Diane Collings

Scott & Terri Heiser

 Sterling Milton

Connie Gaddy

Chris Ann & Ronnie Moore
Shinto Akitas - Website

Trish & Robert Rogers

Jay & Ilke Van Zandt
Mayoke Akitas

Jim and Carol Sjoberg
Hyozan Japanese Akitas - website

Sherry Wallis
Sherob Akitas - Website

Rick and Teresa Witte
Stardust Akitas - Website


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All Rights Reserved